About Us

Quaggy Printmakers Logo

Quaggy Printmakers: Celebrating a passion for printmaking. Handmade, handprinted.

We are a dynamic group of artists who share a love for printmaking - a diverse and inclusive collective initially brought together at ALL - Lewisham School of Art and Design Granville Park studio facilities near the Quaggy river in Lewisham SE13.

Our mission is to create and promote original prints (no digital reproductions of designs), with a focus on producing unique handcrafted limited editions. We employ a wide variety of printmaking techniques including etching collagraph, screen printing and monoprinting on materials including paper, textiles and glass. We strive to promote our work through group and individual member exhibitions in local venues and surrounding boroughs. Working together as a group provides us with support and expanded opportunities to develop our own individualised practices.

You can purchase Quaggy Printmakers' work via our shop on Support Ma Local